Park Town, Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission Rd, V.O, C. Nagar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600003
Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission has invited applications for Combined Technical Services Examination. Candidates who want to apply for the examination can find the link through the official website of TNPSC at The registration process will end on August 24, 2024. The application correction window will open on August 28 and will close on August 30, 2024. This recruitment drive will fill up 654 posts in the organisation.
Candidates who want to apply for the posts should have completed the age of 21 years for all the posts, except for the post of Foreman Marine (Post Code: 1762). For the post of Foreman Marine the candidates should have completed 18 years.
The Combined Technical Services Examination (Non-Interview Posts) will be conducted as single stage Written Examination. Marks obtained by the candidates in the Examination (Part B of Paper I and Paper II) would determine final ranking. The final selection will be made based on the total marks obtained by the candidate in the Examination (Part B of Paper I and Paper II) subject to rule of reservation of appointments.